Friday 5 July 2013

Weight Loss

Left: February 12th, 2013 - Right: July 5th, 2013
I played tennis since I was in 6th grade until about a year ago. I suppose I could still play, but I certainly wouldn't be very good. I've always had tennis to keep me in shape - but I've never really cared for the actual way I looked. I knew I was thin, I was never overly fat. I've never been overweight, because that's just how my metabolism is. I wouldn't say I have a fast metabolism (considering I have hypothyroidism), but I wouldn't say I put on weight easily either. I'm just normal.

Over the past two months since I came to Hyderabad, I've been going to power yoga and pilates classes with my cousin since she has issues with her lower body and has tried every diet and exercise remedy under the sun - I assure you. She's not motivated easily, so my aunt made me sign up for classes too. We went to a demo class, and it was complete and utter torture. Regardless, we signed up. Each class lasts anywhere from 1-1.5 hours. The first week of class was pretty terrible. I have mild asthma, so breathing is an issue for me. I never really use my inhaler, but I do wheeze quite often while doing cardio.

As the classes progressed day-by-day, it slowly got easier, and I looked forward to going to class every evening. However, for some odd reason - we never go on Tuesdays. Class is only on weekdays - but we only go four times a week because we skip Tuesdays. Don't ask me why, because I don't know.

As for eating, I haven't been eating "healthier" than I normally do - because I already have to be weary of my diet because of the hypothyroidism anyways, but I've definitely been eating in smaller quantities more frequently. It's annoying, but it works as opposed to three large meals. I can't stress that enough.

I feel a lot better about myself, I'm happier, I can concentrate on one thing at a time during stressful situations, and overall I'm just a more positive person. As for being healthier - I'll have to get back to you on that, because my immune system hates me, so I need some miracle exercise in order for that problem to go away.

After the 12th of this month, I'm going to stop doing power yoga and probably just go to a regular gym, and I'll keep whoever is reading this (even if it's no one) updated.  

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