Saturday, 27 July 2013

Perpetual Running

So, as you can see from the title, I was basically running everywhere today.

I woke up this morning, and ran to the grocery store as soon as it opened. Like, literally. I ran. Okay, I jogged. But, still. I ran out of muesli and I have to eat an hour before working out. Otherwise, I get a horrible stomach ache and it makes me not want to do any sort of exercise. But, my cousin didn't show up this morning - so I didn't end up going to the gym in the morning.

Then, I was studying for a bit when I got a phone call at 11:45 telling me that I needed to be at an interview for the school at 2:00 PM sharp. I was frantic, and got ready as fast as I could and I was on my way. The weather was beautiful, by the way. My university campus has A LOT of greenery, and open fields and (kind of) mountains and such. It's pretty neat. Went inside for the interview, and they made us sit down and fill out checklist forms. I was the first one to be done with mine, so they sent me inside the interview room. Let me just start off by saying that there was no interview. Nothing. They took my original documents, transcripts, certificates, etc. Afterwards, they told me I was set and that I should wait to hear back from them in a few weeks. A few weeks? What? School is supposed to start on August 1st! Oh goodness. At least this random interview -- er -- whatever you want to call it is over.

Then we came back, and had to stop by a pharmacy, because I've been having issues. I'll give you a gruesome hint - it involves milk of magnesia. :( Right by the pharmacy was this large bakery - and knowing me, I couldn't resist, so we went inside and got some sweets.

Khalakand and kova jamun (YES!!!)
Finally, my cousin showed up - we went to the gym and there were so many guys. We were definitely outnumbered, and it was awkward because this is India. Oh well. We had a good hour-long workout, and I came home. I'm hoping I burnt off at least half those sweets, if not all! It involved interval running once again. Sensing a theme to this day yet? I hope so!

Good night.

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